HAVING recently retired I have had more time to walk around the area, rather than using the car.

I have noticed quite a few things that, travelling by car, I did not notice before, one of these being the amount of litter lying around the area, mainly around footpaths and verges.

Most of this litter was not dropped yesterday, it has been laying there for months, if not longer.

It is obvious the people who drop litter are not in the least worried about fines.

So it must be up to the council to pick it up on a regular basis.

Maybe when the council tax is hiked up even more there will be money to spend on this problem.

The area between Greenbridge Retail Park and the Tesco superstore in Ocotal Way is especially bad.

It's worth walking along there if only to see the kingfisher. There must be fish in the stream there, even if the bird has to be extra skilful to avoid the supermarket trolleys that lay in its way.

