At least it isn't if you are making the most of myriad reliefs available to each of us. The key is knowing what they are and how they apply to your individual circumstances.

That is where the technical expertise of a qualified Tax Consultant comes in handy.

At Banks Chartered Account-ants, Tax planning is one of their specialities, and that doesn't just mean the business tax work that most Accountants are relied upon for.

If you are a high earner, drive a company car or are required to complete a self assessment Tax Return each year, having an experienced consultant on hand to guide you through your various obligations throughout the year can really pay off.

Richard Mathews of Banks Chartered Accountants said: "Many individuals and business owners try to complete their Self Assessment Returns themselves to try to save money.

"It's not until they find out that there may be reliefs applicable to them that they were missing out on, that they realise having a trained eye look over their affairs can help to recuperate some of their hard earned cash."

It is true to say that such advice and guidance does come with a fee.

However Roderick Bluh of Banks Chartered Accountants explains: "Usually we save individuals tax as well as helping with planning their tax affairs for the longer term.

"Personal tax planning is a year on year opportunity for people to review their position and plan for future changes be this for income tax, capital gains tax or inheritance tax.

"We believe we are able to make a difference while also taking away the stress of dealing with the complex forms and legislation."

If you would like to talk to Richard or Roderick to see how they may be able to help you with your personal tax matters, you can call them for free and arrange at no cost, or obligation, an exploratory meeting on their free phone number 0800 583 6284.