OUR front page story makes disturbing reading, for anyone but especially for parents.

Teenager Gary Perring died after what appears to have been a terrible accident after he inhaled anti-perspirant spray. Although every effort was made to save his life nothing could be done.

Now his aunt is planning to launch a campaign to alert children and parents to the deadly dangers of household products, such as aerosols.

There are potential killers in the cupboards of all our homes ranging from bleaches and cleaning agents to insecticides and weed killer. Even small objects can cause choking in your children and many substances are toxic if taken in quantity.

Tomorrow we will be investigating the lethal threat of simple household goods, explaining what the dangers are and talking to experts for tips on how to keep children safe.

As Gary's aunt Julia Southgate says, she doesn't want to read about another child dying in this way or hear of another family having to go through what hers is going through.

She is understandably angry about what has happened but wants to use that anger constructively.

We must all be alert to the lethal dangers in our own homes.