A YOUNG Melksham girl was so inspired with a trip organised by her school she drew a picture that will now appear on certificates for those who took part.

Tamara Hardwidge, who is in Year 7 at George Ward School went on the two-day activity break with her fellow pupils to Wick Court, in Bristol.

She said: "I experienced many different challenges I hadn't come across before.

"My friends and I worked together and shared ideas to complete tasks.

"Although it was a busy time, there was some free time for games and to hang out with friends in the lounge. Wick Court was great."

On the trip the youngsters took part in activities tailored to suit an 11- and 12-year-old age group.

The main emphasis is on team building, with activities ranging from rafting and walking, to campfires and pottery.

They have responsibilities for clearing up and keeping areas clean.

Tutors and Year 13 pupils accompany the children on the trip and work with them towards establishing good relationships and cementing friendships.

More than 200 pupils went on a series of trips offered to all students in Year 7.