The developers Gallagher and Heron's outline application to build 88 houses on the west side of Paxcroft Mead was granted by the Planning Committee back in June 2003.

One of the conditions was that access should be via Cusance Way as well as via Walmesley Chase.

That way at least the disturbance and misery caused by builders trucks and diggers etc would be shared between two roads.

When I heard that the developers were trying to get the conditions lifted because another developer, Redrow, owned the land from Cusance Way, I frankly thought they would probably win. They didn't, as the councillors wisely referred it back to the developers to agree between themselves. They presumably couldn't agree as it came up again to the Planning Committee on January 8 and once again the councillors supported the residents, although the council officers recommended removing the condition.

Thank you Trevor Carbin (Hilperton District Councillor) and the other good councillors on the Planning Committee for helping to preserve the quality of life for Paxcroft Mead residents.

It is a reprieve for us, but with Redrow wanting to build 187

houses joining this site via the estate roads we are in for a rough time over the next few years anyway.

If residents think trying to join the A361 towards Trowbridge is difficult now between 8.30am and 9am at the Paxcroft Mead junction with Leap Gate, just wait until the extra 300 or so houses are built, with no other planned access!

P Collins,
