IMAGINE the scene: a cold winter morning and old men and women are being turned out of their homes into a cold and uncertain future.

Is this Dickensian London? No, it is Swindon in 2003.

Imagine children going into a cold school with no prospect of a hot meal at midday. Dickensian London? No, Swindon in 2004.

These are the real effects on Swindon's vulnerable people, the old folk and the children, of Tory savings.

We have seen it all before the same old Tory policies. Dickensian.

Do you have a parent in a council residential home? The council is planning to close two residential homes in Swindon. Some of Swindon's vulnerable old people may have to sell their homes to pay for care in a private residential home. Privatisation is a Tory policy.

The Labour Government recently gave £500,000 to Swindon Council, to be spent on education.

The Tories say Labour has already spent too much money on education in Swindon, so they have decided to consult the public on whether this £500,000 should be spent on the education service, or if it should be diverted elsewhere.

The Tories do like to be able to blame someone else if things go wrong.

Some would question whether or not this is legal.

