IF you are not already aware, you will be horrified to find out that British horses and ponies could once again be exported LIVE from the UK to face a long, uncertain journey to their death in Europe. We must act now to stop it.

A British law that has prevented our ponies from being exported alive for slaughter for over 67 years looks as though it could well be lost, just because it isn't currently included in the proposal for a new EU Regulation on the transport of animals.

I am supporting the ILPH (International League for the Protection of Horses), Say No to Live Exports Campaign to pressurise the Government and the European Parliament to stop the resumption of the live traffic. Their on-line petition (at www.ilph.org) and paper petition are due to close at the end of February and will be presented to the European Parliament in March.

We must now write to our MPs so that they, in turn, can pressurise the Government to act to protect our horses and ponies. If you have not supported the ILPH Campaign before, but would like to do so now, please call 0870 366 6910 and leave your name and address on the recorded message. Alternatively, go to www.ilph.org where you will be able to download a sample letter you can send to your MP, find out all about the campaign, and sign the on-line petition, too.

