A BIG name soccer star is being lined up to open Highworth's new £580,000 football pavilion. But Bernard Berry, chairman of Highworth Junior Football Club, is keeping tight-lipped about the identity of the mystery player.

He said: "I can say that he is a big name in football, but I can't say anything until the Football Association can confirm that he can make it."

Building work on the pavilion has now finished and the building just needs a lick of paint before it is completed.

Children are due to start using the facility next weekend.

The official opening has been pencilled in for April 18.

The pavilion, at the club ground near Highworth Golf Club, has changing rooms, toilets, showers, a coaching room and a kitchen.

It is desperately needed because the club's 200 players, who are between six and 12, currently have to get changed in cars or go home in muddy clothes.

Mr Berry said: "The new building is brilliant, and the children are really looking forward to using it."