THE fall of the Spanish Government, perceived by many to be the result of one terrorist attack, will confirm to the terrorists that European countries are weak and soft and would collapse like a pack of cards if faced by a sustained campaign of terror attacks.

As they repeatedly proclaim, "we love death like you love life".

The terrorists will not be defeated by the politically correct, limp wristed "oh it's all our fault for not being nice to them" brigade.

The only way to defeat terrorists is to fight them with bigger terror.

The British Government needs to get tough and that means bringing back the death penalty for acts of terrorism and treason.

It also means booting a lot of people out of this country who are beavering away on an agenda which will mean the end of civilisation as we know it.

If people don't want to see London looking like Kabul on a bad day you'd better wake up and take a look around at what is happening.

