SINCE day one the council's attempt to enforce the traffic/parking regulations in the borough was doomed.

Mr Foss may be correct in the number of tickets issued. However, how many of these tickets have been paid?

This council has a backlog of £10 million unpaid council tax and £2.5 million debts.

With this in mind do not envisage the council allowing residents' permit holders to park their vehicles in the car parks free.

From the beginning the residents have complained there are not enough places to park by or near their homes.

And 4,592 permits would never fit into 3,477 places, even when the council cut the double yellow lines on the corners in the residents' parking areas, from 12 to eight metres.

This was not a clever move as rigid HGVs had difficulty in certain streets, plus it's dangerous.

The idea of parking meters on the borough's highways had to come but the remark that meters are needed because wardens cannot record in the limited waiting is inane.

Be honest, the warden system is not up to the task. Did the expensive feasibility study not tell them that?

We are also informed that the park and ride scheme is a success. Tell that to the residents in Old Walcot, check the parking conditions in Burford Avenue, Cumberland Road, and Walcot Road and then tell me the park and ride is paying.

Is the above the reason the council tax has to increase?


Park North