Ref. 29636-10PUPILS at Wanborough Primary School had a blast from the past as the school took part in a World War Two theme day.

As part of a joint geography and history project, staff and pupils substituted modern teaching practices for slightly more traditional lessons interrupted by the occasional air-raid siren.

While the children played a variety of roles including evacuees and soldiers, aided by authentic-looking uniforms staff transformed themselves into stern schoolmasters and mistresses.

And classrooms too took on a distinct wartime feel with desks rearranged into long, straight rows.

Emphasis was put on "parrot fashion" teaching with pupils asked to chant their multiplication tables.

Tomorrow elderly villagers will visit the school to re-tell their childhood memories.

History co-ordinator Adrienne Knaggs said everyone enjoyed the day and learned a great deal.

"The children loved it," she said. "It's really important that they understand how things have changed as well as make links with what's happening today.

"As part of history classes, we are looking to compare World War Two with the Gulf War and Kosovo conflicts."