DEVELOPERS planning to build houses next to war graves claim the project will have no detrimental effect despite the local MP labelling the move 'insensitive'.

An appeal has been lodged against the decision by West Wiltshire District Council to stop nine homes being built beside the Anzac War Graves in Codford.

Ex-Navy Surgeon Commander and Warminster British Legion member, MP Andrew Murrison, visited the site on Saturday.

He said: "The cemetery is the final resting place of 97 soldiers from New Zealand and Australia who died in the Great War.

"It is a special place, visited by hundreds of people every year and I consider that adjacent development to be highly insensitive."

But developer FPD Savills is confident that the appeal will not be turned down this time, as it believes it is not harmful to the cemetery.

A spokesman said: "The appeal process would not detract from the war graves cemetery.

"The appeal site is separated from the cemetery by a significant parcel of land and as a result the nearest proposed dwelling would be 13 metres from the closest boundary to safeguard against any detrimental impact."

Representations on the plan must be handed into West Wiltshire District Council before April 9 and the final decision will be taken by the Planning Inspectorate.