COULD we please say thank you to the Family Members of the Church for their gift of £1,000. The gift has come at a most appropriate time.

Even though we are still waiting for the planning department and the results of various consultations the planning officer is undergoing with councillors and council departments to decide on whether we can use 67-68 Fore Street or not; we are still very pro-active in helping young women with their problems, especially pregnant teenagers.

The gift from the Family Church arrived as we were indeed providing help for a local young lady.

We are in the process of training volunteers in readiness for the project's future. If any of your readers of any age would like to support the project with resources or labour, would they please get in touch on (01225) 766154 or email

We thank the Wiltshire Times and their staff for their continued support.


Founder Director

The Vine Project