Hairdresser Nigel Evans is running in the London Marathon on April 18 to raise cash for charity.

Mr Evans, who runs the Trowbridge gents hairdressers Nigel's, started running four years ago to get in shape and help him combat asthma.

After losing five stone in weight and a dramatic improvement in his lung capacity, Mr Evans said he is now ready to take up the 26-mile challenge for the second time, in aid of the Shaw Trust.

He said: "I was quite amazed at the response last year. I only expected to raise a few hundred pounds but I had so much support from my customers that I raised over £2,000 for Stepping Stones. This year I would like to better that total and also my time."

The Shaw Trust provides training and work opportunities for people who are disadvantaged in the workplace due to disability, ill health or social circumstances.