GAZETTE & HERALD: Two wards at Chippenham Community hospital were closed last week after six patients and five members of staff were struck down with a diarrhoea and vomiting bug.

Rowan East and West wards, which cater for elderly patients, were closed for 48 hours and 72 hours respectively. Kennet and North Wiltshire Primary Care Trust spokesperson, Debbie Pugh-Jones said: "Patients were re-routed to another ward and no-one was turned away.

"The wards were re-opened again on June 18 and all infection control guidelines were adhered to."

Elderly people are particularly vulnerable to the diarrhoea virus and immediate steps are taken by staff and the PCT's infection control team, to prevent the illness from spreading around the hospital.

Symptoms usually last two to three days and are treated with plenty of fluids. Ms Pugh Jones said the virus was detected quickly and dealt with promptly.

She added that outbreaks of the virus were relatively common in hospitals where people spent long periods of time in close proximity to one another.

Now that the outbreak is under control, this Saturday's eagerly-awaited fete will go ahead at 2pm.