I am writing regarding the speed humps that were put in place on Lambrok Road in April. All I can say is what a waste of time and effort the council have gone to. Is this why our council tax increased so much?

The speed humps are only halfway across the road, and islands have been put in place next to them so only one vehicle can pass at a time. This has already damaged my car where I can only have one side on the hump. Some vehicles are able to go either side of the humps, which is great, as they do not have to slow down at all, and are still able to use what was a 'rat run' as a rat run. Delivery vans still charge up and down the road, and there is supposed to be a 20mph speed limit.

And where is the logic in some of the mini-roundabouts? I am talking of the one in Westfield Road.

As one travels up Westfield Road, the speed restriction goes from 20 to 30mph. Situated on this road is Studley Green Primary School and surely this would have been a good opportunity to reduce the limit, in order to protect children going to and from school.

I feel this has not been very well thought of in the planning office, and perhaps residents should be asked beforehand about traffic and ways to calm it. Perhaps the people who work in planning reside in cul-de-sacs and do not see traffic!


Lambrok Road, Trowbridge