ONCE again the experts have decided our children should be guinea pigs in the mass experiment of five-in-one jabs.

No consultation, no proper explanation, merely an announcement that this is best for our babies, so just accept that the experts know best.

A growing number of parents are becoming suspicious about the way these measures are being foisted onto their children.

For years they were assured thimerosol, the mercury-based preservative used in vaccines, was safe. Last week it was announced it is to be removed. Why?

Similarly, we were told that there is no risk attached to the oral polio vaccine currently being given to infants. Now this is to be discontinued and an alternative will be contained in the new five-in-one jab, because it is safer.

I wonder how many parents were made aware of the possibility the oral vaccine could cause the very illness that it was supposed to prevent? But some, albeit a few, have paid a very high price.

Nobody knows what the long-term effects of this multiple jab will be upon an eight-week-old baby's immune system.

The research and testing of new vaccines is conducted by the same pharmaceutical giants who sell them. Until we have truly independent supervision of the manufacture, testing and marketing of vaccines, parents have every right to be suspicious of what the experts tell them.

After all, we were assured mad cow disease could not be transmitted by eating beef.

Let parents be cautious, even if the experts are not.

Basil Jones


SHOC Stop Harming Our Children

Grosvenor Road, Swindon