I AM sorry Mr Davis has chosen to personalise the important issues around the University of Bath's plans for expansion in Swindon in his condemnation of my recent remarks (letters August 4).

The university's proposal is profoundly important for the future of the town and there will be strong views on all sides of the argument.

I believe the interests of the town will be best served by reasoned debate not personal abuse.

Moreover, Mr Davis appears to be under several misapprehensions.

The reason I suggest Swindon must choose between development at Coate and not having Bath University in the town is because that appears to be the case.

My discussions with the university have left me in no doubt it is not prepared to come to another site in Swindon.

It may be an unwelcome choice, particularly for those who live around Coate, but I do not believe I would be doing my duty to my constituents if I were to pretend it is a choice that does not exist.

The question of what is a suitable site for the university must first be a matter for the university to decide.

It is then for the people of Swindon to decide whether they wish to accept the proposition from the university.

However much some may wish it otherwise, I am afraid no one can force the university to come to any specific site in Swindon.

The current plan for a site is what all its research has suggested as the optimum option and no one has produced any robust evidence to contradict this.

Finally, I am afraid Mr Davis appears to exaggerate my own centrality to this debate. This is not a matter for MPs to decide.

Ultimately, it is for the locally elected representatives in the shape of Swindon Borough Council to decide, on behalf of the people of Swindon, whether or not to grant planning permission to a proposal.

This process must involve extensive consultation with local people. It is also worth reminding readers that, at this stage, the debate is academic.

The university's proposals require a significant contribution from Central Government and it is by no means certain this will be forthcoming.

If the finance cannot be found there will be no expansion by the University of Bath in Swindon.

But if the finance can be found, Swindon will be faced with a choice and, however unwelcome it may be, I do not believe it is in everyone's interests to pretend it will not exist.


MP for North Swindon

House Of Commons, London