Diana Scott and her longed for daughter, GraceGAZETTE & HERALD: Amazing baby Grace, born more than two years after the death of her father Peter, has come home from hospital with her delighted mother Diana to a warm welcome from all her friends.

The long story of love and loss, and hopes for a new beginning has finally culminated in the creation of a new family for Mrs Scott, 45, of Hill Corner Road in Chippenham.

When Mr Scott died in February 2002, normally all hope of his ever having a child would have gone to the grave with him, but Mrs Scott conceived baby Grace through post mortem IVF treatment despite being told she had only a five per cent chance of success.

But her determination has won through and while Grace will sadly never meet her father, Mrs Scott has the baby she longed for.

"It's nice to be home," said Mrs Scott. "I've had lots of visitors, which is tiring, but Grace is a placid baby."

Mrs Scott had to spend two weeks in hospital, including a week prior to the Caesarian birth.

Little Grace, named after her father's mother, was in the breech position when she was delivered and weighed just four and a half pounds.

Mrs Scott thinks the baby already looks like her father having his eyes and nose.

Tragically Mr and Mrs Scott had very little time together. The couple were married in 1998 and had just three years together when Mr Scott was diagnosed with cancer.

The couple were undergoing fertility treatment and Mr Scott decided to have sperm frozen, and gave his permission for it to be used in the event of his death.

IVF treatment generally has a success rate of about 20 per cent but Mrs Scott was given only a five per cent chance because of her age and concerns about the healthiness of her husband's sperm.

Mrs Scott had a difficult time, enduring four unsuccessful IVF attempts before she became pregnant.