Oxford, Swindon & Gloucester Co-op has bought the .coop domain name to permanently safeguard the name for the international Coop movement.

The .coop name was launched in 2002 so co-operatives could have their own identity rather than having to be .com or .co.uk.

As well as buying the domain name, OS&G Co-op has also started a registrar service for other Co-ops.

Bob Burlton, chief executive of OS&G Co-op said: "We believe .coop has great potential for the global co-op community.

"It's our goal to realise this potential by showing co-ops trading on their co-operative difference how .coop can add real value to their business.

"We're proud that a regional co-op like ours has made this commitment to grow a business of international importance."

The new Registrar business will be headed by Neil Homer, who oversees OS&G Co-op's new business ventures.

He said, "Co-ops across the world are increasingly looking to their own identity as co-operatives to win and retain customers, both in the traditional store and online.

"OS&G Co-op is leading the way in the UK with its ethical campaigns."