LIBRARIES want parents to sign up their tiny babies as members in the quest to find the youngest book borrower in Wiltshire.

The competition, run by Wiltshire County Council, will coincide with National Bookstart Day tomorrow.

Librarians will be looking for the youngest babies registered at the 34 libraries in the county this month.

Colourful board books and certificates will be awarded to the youngest children signed up in each district and all children under the age of two who join will be entered into a prize draw.

County children's librarian Sarah Hillier said: "Libraries have lots to offer young children and their families.

"The competition is free to enter and we look forward to meeting all the new library members."

Libraries will also be holding a series of Rhyme Times across the county as part of National Bookstart Day.

All the libraries taking part will be including the same six rhymes and songs as part of their programme and the same event will be happening across the country.

The six rhymes will be Incy Wincey Spider, If You're Happy, Dingle Dangle Scarecrow, I'm A Little Teapot, A Hedgehog Is Very Prickly and Round and Round the Garden.

Rhyme Time sessions will be run today at Pewsey between 2.15pm and 2.45pm, and tomorrow at Devizes 11am, Lyneham between 10.30am and 11am, Malmesbury 10.30am and 11am, Marlborough between 2.15pm and 2.45pm, and at Wootton Bassett between 2.15 and 2.45pm.