GAZETTE & HERALD: British Show Jumping Association judge Tony Bott spent two weeks in Athens for the Paralympic Games and declared it the best ever.

Mr Bott, 69, from Anchor Road in Calne, has travelled all over the world judging and stewarding equestrian sports for the International Paralympic Committee.

However, this was the first time Mr Bott had stewarded at the Paralympics, having been a spectator four years before in Sydney.

"It was a wonderful opportunity and I was very glad to go out and help.

"I met some very old friends among the officials and riders and also made a lot of new friends," he said.

"I loved every moment. I have met people who are blind, with no arms or no legs and they rode to a dressage standard and are as good as able-bodied people if not better."

Mr Bott also said the opening ceremony was spectacular: "The fireworks display was incredible and how they lit the flame with the fireworks effect from one side of the stadium to the other was amazing."

Mr Bott was responsible for making sure the music was played at the right time for the dressage and had to attend practices to make sure the competition went smoothly.

"My main job was to liaise and find out when the riders wanted us to start the music because they would start in different places depending on the music.

"The riders were marvellous. They would give us the signal and the whole thing went smoothly."