ONE of your correspondent's (letters, September 30) commenting on the accusations against the current Mayor of Marlborough suggests that he should carry the can if the accusations are proven, another says that the accusing councillor should resign if the accusations are proved false.

The 2004 committee as a sub committee of the town council submitted its minutes to each full town council meeting for ratification. On each occasion it was the responsibility of each councillor by examination of those minutes to approve the actions of that sub committee. In addition several councillors were members of that 2004 sub committee and they in turn approved its minutes. If there was financial malfeasance they should have recognised it. If there was financial irregularity the salaried chief executive of the council should have reported it to the town council.

In that each town councillor is involved in corporate responsibility for the financial dealings of the council and the members of the financial and general purposes committee have a responsibility for the control of the council's cash, the council and its chief executive should be carrying the can.

