GAZETTE & HERALD: STAFF at the Little George pub, on New Road, Chippenham, have very good reason to celebrate in style this week, after the pub scooped the prestigious Best Marketing Pub of the Year award.

They beat off tough competition from pubs across the country thanks to the numerous marketing activities that lessee Gavin White has undertaken over the past six months.

He received £3,000 in travel vouchers in recognition of his efforts.

Although he has overseen the pub for less than a year, working in large leisure companies and as an area manager for a fast-food chain for five years in New Zealand, has given him an excellent grasp of what makes a successful marketing plan.

From the eye-catching banners advertising food and drink offers to the Ann Summers parties and the popular speed dating sessions, the Little George offers something for everyone.

Talking about his win, Mr White said: "We are as pleased as punch to have won this fantastic award. Keeping ahead of the competition is a tough order and the challenge definitely keeps us on our toes!"

Mr White, who also runs the Kings Arms at Hilperton Marsh in Trowbridge said: "The key is knowing what people want, listening to our customers."