CHILDREN'S charity the NSPCC has launched a new campaign today.

The Someone To Turn To campaign is the latest phase of the NSPCC's Full Stop campaign.

It aims to encourage every child and young person to speak to someone they trust if they are worried about anything.

An NSPCC survey has revealed that half of all teenagers know a young person who is suffering from some form of abuse but they keep it a secret among their friends.

The charity hopes to encourage all Swindon schools to hand out booklets full of useful phone numbers and advice to all schoolchildren.

So far nine Swindon schools and 30 Wiltshire schools have agreed to do so.

From Thursday powerful TV advertisements will publicise the message.

The charity is also calling on the Government to ensure every child has access to a peer support scheme in their school.

NSPCC chief executive Mary Marsh said: "We need to take the secrets out of the playground and into the environment where young people can get the support and advice they need."

See tomorrow's Advertiser for an interview with a Swindon mother who was helped by the NSPCC when her children were abused.