14485/1GAZETTE & HERALD: ONLY Fools and Horses fan Neil Burgess is to watch every single episode back to back to raise money for Children in Need.

Mr Burgess, 20, of East Yewstock Crescent, Chippenham, and colleague Kevin Foster, 23, from Westbury, work at Virgin Mobile's call centre in Trowbridge.

Mr Burgess, an incident co-ordination manager, said: "What we are going to do is watch the DVDs from a learning zone at work so people can watch us doing it. Virgin has arranged for food and drink and to supervise us to make sure we don't fall asleep.

"We are fans at the moment but I don't know if we will be afterwards. We had some problems getting hold of some copies because the later ones aren't out yet, but we've got them all now.

"We were going to do it at one of our houses but I mentioned it to our boss and the company became involved because it will be used as a call centre for Children in Need."

Mr Burgess said they chose Only Fools and Horses because both of them are massive fans of Del Boy and friends. He said: "We are just such big fans. We can pretty much quote every line.

"I suppose we'll have to call Mr Branson and ask 'whatever we get can you match it?'"