WILTSHIRE Police are appealing to parents to make sure their children behave themselves during Hallowe'en.

Each year the police are called to deal with incidents involving trick or treaters who leave householders frightened, or commit offences such as throwing eggs at homes.

Sgt Roger Bull, of community safety and diversity at police headquarters in Devizes, said: "Hallowe'en is a time of fun for young people who enjoy dressing up and it is a minority of young people that go too far with trick or treating and what initially started out as fun often turns into crime and anti social behaviour.

"The police ask that people consider the feelings of others this Hallowe'en, in particular the elderly who feel intimidated and often too frightened to open their doors. We appeal to parents to ensure their children behave in a sensible way."

He said last year during Hallowe'en youngsters threw eggs at a house. He said this caused distress to the owners, one of whom has heart problems.

Sgt Bull suggests that an adult or teenager should accompany a child when trick or treating and not to take short cuts through gardens, alleyways or parks. He said people should avoid wearing masks while walking from house to house as they can intimidate and frighten people.

Hilary Marsh, community safety officer at Kennet District Council said youngsters should keep to well lit areas, never enter a home or get into stranger's cars and take home treats for inspection before eating them.