GAZETTE & HERALD: The Cherhill Playgroup raised over £200 for the Meningitis Trust in a Toddle Waddle event.

Children from the playgroup dressed up as ducks and quacked all the way to the local playground, went around a trial set up around swings and slides, and then waddled back.

Nicola Strange, a supervisor for the Cherhill Toddler Group, said: "It's a national scheme that's happening across the country to raise money for the Meningitis Trust.

"They made the little hats and did a sort of quacking on the way and then the staff had made a little route for them up and down the slide.

"They walked from the playgroup around to the local park and then in the playground."

Sarah Wheeler, supervisor for the Cherhill Playgroup, said they all enjoyed the day.

She said: "It's a fundraising pack you get sent every year and I thought it would be something new to do.

"We thought it would be nice for the children to learn about giving to other children.

"They loved it and it was nice weather so it was a lovely day.

"The ones that took part raised quite a lot."