14442/3THE multi-national children at College Fields Nursery in Marlborough have enjoyed a day of Bollywood style dancing and learning about the Hindu culture.

The nursery school currently has pupils of several nationalities including Chinese, Indian, French, Danish, Estonian and Greek.

Throughout the year, said principle Liz Barnes, the children learn about different cultures and ways of life.

Last week, for the fifth year running, the school celebrated the beginning of Dhivali, the Hindu festival of goodness and light.

Dorothy Clarke from the Mugdha Youth Dance Company from Swindon went to the nursery school to tell the children about the festival and to show them some of the Indian dances.

Mrs Barnes said: "We were all in India costume including the children and it was like Bollywood dancing.

"We also had Indian food including mangoes, chapattis and poppadoms."

Mrs Barnes said it was not always easy to find people from the different cultures to go along to the nursery school.

She said: "We are on the lookout for people from the different cultures to come along and talk to the children and currently we are looking for someone who can help us with Greek dancing."

Twenty one children aged between two-and-a-half and five enjoyed the Dhivali day.