GAZETTE & HERALD: STAFF at Octavian, a wine services company in Gastard near Corsham, are working above ground for the first time in 13 years.

The 100 staff had worked 100 feet under ground in offices next to the company's wine cellars.

But the company has now spent £350,000 on new offices above ground, which are due to be officially opened tomorrow.

The new building will be used for the firm's administration and transport staff, leaving 30 warehouse staff to continue working in the cellars.

The cellars used to be a mine and Octavian took over the site in 1991, opening up two chambers that had lain stagnant for 30 years.

Paul Watts, private customer and service support manager at Octavian, was one of the employees who worked underground.

He said: "You do get used to working underground but I must admit the new offices are fantastic and it's great to be working above ground.

"There are 157 steps to climb and descend to get to the cellars so when we worked underground going out for a break took a few more minutes than normal.

"One or two people were not that keen on working underground but the majority of us adapted to it.

"Working in the new offices is like being in a different world. We have natural light whereas working underground we had artificial light.

"Morale has been boosted by the move to the new offices and it's also improved communication."

The new offices are directly above the cellars and are built on the existing warehouse.

The company stores wine for major quality wine merchants and distributors as well as individuals. Its customers include Sotheby's, Christie's and Michael Roux.