At 7.30pm recently we had an insistent ringing on the door by children dressed for trick or treat.

When we did said we did not "do" trick or treat they were abusive.

In past years we have had our car paint scraped and chaining taken away from the garden because we do not take part in this yearly ritual.

What if we had been one of the many vulnerable folks who live on their own and got the ringing on the door bell and the shouting of abuse (one presumes the door would not have been opened) through the letter box, or worse ?

It seems that the influence of the American way of life has caused a shift in thinking regarding Halloween.

Some schools have Halloween parties and children encouraged to buy masks, hats and broomsticks.

All the while stores rub their hands at yet another market opening up, mostly to exploit the pockets of long-suffering parents.

The children are under pressure to conform and we are told it is only fun.

Where is the fun in dressing up in ghoulish outfits which frighten many younger children, and encouraging children to beg for sweets and intimidate people?

Is there not enough tooth rot and misery around without adding to it?

Conkers and carrots are banned from certain schools for spurious reasons yet, when serious matters are concerned, it seems the devil does not get the hindmost.

B Sweetman

Abbey Meads, Swindon