KENNET District Council is warning licensees to apply for new licences now rather than wait until August.

The Licensing Act has been overhauled by the Government and officials at Kennet are worried that they could be overwhelmed with applications if people leave it until the deadline of August 6.

Under the changes to the licensing systems councils will take over the functions currently carried out by magistrates who grant liquor licences.

There is also a range of different licences that people must apply for depending upon the licensable activity taking place.

People will be required to hold a club premises certificate, premises licence and/or a personal licence.

The aim of the act is to modernise the present legislation and to control the sale of alcohol, entertainment of various kinds and the late night sale of hot food or drink.

Kennet recently held a free seminar for those affected by the changes and more than 100 people attended.

As a result 76 requests for application forms have been made to Kennet but so far the council has received only two personal licence applications. No applications for club or premises licences have been received as yet.

John Knight, principal environmental health officer at Kennet said there are between 350 and 400 clubs which will require licences and he estimates between 600 and 800 people need to apply for personal licences.