HEAD teacher Jeff Mason received top marks from Ofsted inspectors for turning round falling standards at Collingbourne Primary School.

But parents copped a ticking off in the report for taking their children out of school during term time.

Although, the report conceded, the attendance figures were improving it was still below average "largely because too many parents take children on holiday in term time."

The report praised the leadership of head teacher Mr Mason which, said the inspection team, had been pivotal to the improvements made since the last inspection in 1998.

The inspectors found that standards in maths and information and communication technology were below average after year six but they praised the "good attitudes and behaviour" of the pupils.

"The school has made sound progress in addressing key issues, in relation to pupils' spiritual and creative development, but insufficient progress has been made in developing pupils' investigative skills," inspectors said.

They said since the new head took over a year previously, considerable improvement was evident.

"As a result, staff morale is higher and there is good commitment from the whole team to further improvement," said the report.

In summing up, inspectors said: "The school provides its pupils with a sound education. The quality of teaching and learning throughout the school is satisfactory."

Mr Mason said the inspection could hardly have come at a worse time, just weeks after the school moved out of its former Victorian buildings into a new purpose-built school.

He said: "Receiving a report that recognises the strides we have made to improve the education and support for our local children is a great testament to the hard work of the staff and governors."

Governors chairman Barbara King said: "We know that we still have some areas in which to improve but this is an important confirmation that the work of all of our staff and parents has ensured that we continue to make progress.