TONIGHT is your chance to quiz the North Swindon election candidates on the issues that matter to you.

The Evening Advertiser hustings for North Swindon is being held at Penhill Primary School, Alton Close, at 7.30pm tonight.

All the candidates for the constituency will be there and are looking forward to facing your questions.

"I am very excited about the Evening Advertiser hustings," said Conser-vative candidate Justin Tomlinson.

"It will be a real opportunity for the people of Swindon to ask the questions that matter to them and I am sure the good people of Swindon will cross-examine us."

Labour candidate Michael Wills was also pleased the Adver was organising the event.

"I think it is admirable that the Adver is holding a hustings.

"It is the first time that I can remember and a great opportunity for the people of North Swindon to hear the candidates and make an informed decision about how they are going to vote.

"The Adver is to be congratulated for promoting democratic debate in this way."

The meeting will be chaired by Mark Waldron, Evening Advertiser editor.

All the candidates will be given four minutes to introduce themselves before members of the public will be invited to put their questions to them.

Mike Evemy, Liberal Democrat candidate, said the meeting would bring the election to life.

"It is an opportunity for people to question all the candidates and find out where they stand," he said.

"I would encourage everyone to come along and bring the election to life."

The other candidates in North Swindon are Independ-ent Ernie Reynolds, Socialist Unity candidate Andy Newman and UKIP representative Robin Tingey.

The South Swindon hustings takes place tomorrow evening at 7.30 at Westlea Primary School, Langstone Way.

The candidates in South Swindon are Robert Buckland (Con), Stephen Halden (UKIP), Alan Hayward (Ind), Bill Hughes (Green), Anne Snelgrove (Lab), Sue Stebbing (Lib Dem) and John Williams (Ind).

This meeting will also be chaired by Mr Waldron.

Isabel Field