War veteran Dennis Mason, 87, has been enjoying celebrity status after tackling a burglar.

The pensioner, whose regiment lead the British invasion of Normandy in the Second World War, tackled the burglar in the dark on April 8 around 9.15pm.

Shocked by the lightening move, the burglar whom police describe as a six ft man in his 20s who wore glasses and had a long jacket shoved the war hero back and escaped through the bedroom window of Mr Mason's caravan at Burton Hill in Malmesbury.

Mr Mason said he has had a good response following the incident.

"A lot of people have been asking me how I am feeling," he said.

"I have had a lot of calls from my family and the interest from local people has been very gratifying.

"As for the burglar, I sent him packing. I am ok but I would be even happier if the police caught this man. I have heard nothing from them yet."

During the Second World War, Mr Mason was a member of the 13/18 Royal Hussars regiment which landed on Sword Beach on Normandy in June 1944.

His job was to knockout masses of German machine guns and infantry aimed at the British.

The octogenarian also praised Corsham postmaster Richard Tovell for punching his attacker after he was robbed last Wednesday morning.

Mr Tovell, 75, from Lypiatt Road in Corsham was tied up and robbed of thousands of pounds by two men with a crow bar.

Mr Mason said: "I think the trader was right to have a go. Good for him You gain nothing by sitting back. I think people should take these robbers on."

PC Tripp from Malmesbury police is appealing for any witnesses to the attacks to call Malmesbury police on (01666) 822222.