SHERSTON villagers aim to make VE day a special occasion by celebrating the 60th anniversary of the German surrender in style.

On May 8 1945 jubilant communities across Britain celebrated the end of war in Europe.

Now parish councillors want to mark the date as this will be the last major anniversary in which war veterans can take an active part.

Events planned include decorating the High Street with bunting, a VE party for senior citizens and a special flower display which will have a theme of peace.

There will also be fireworks from the church tower and a thanksgiving and memorial service on May 8.

The cost of the celebrations will be met by a grant already received from the boules and carnival committees.

Parish councillor Cilla Liddington said prizes would be awarded to the best private house or commercial premises decorated with bunting.

Mrs Liddington said: "We are going all out to make it a special occasion."

Richard Langley of the community group Sherston 1016, said: "There are people in the village who are war veterans. We want to show the gratitude that we owe to them."