ROYAL British Legion chairman Alec Light believes Marlborough really does live up to the reputation of being the most generous town in the country after announcing a record Poppy Day collection.

For the first time since the appeal was launched it is believed, the town collection taken last November topped £10,000 reaching £10,007.30p.

Mr Light said he had read that people living on the Isle of Man were the most generous in the UK when it came to Poppy Day and gave an average of £1.07p per head of population

He said: "I reckon that we are more generous than that in Marlborough because by my reckoning we gave an average of more than £1.24p per head last year.

"That is fantastic and goes to show that Marlborough really is a very generous town."

Last year in a Daily Telegraph poll, Marlborough was named as the most generous town in the country when it came to supporting charities.

Mr Light said the 2004 Poppy Day result for the town was even more remarkable considering the British Legion had a collecting team of only 21.

Mr Light said: "This figure of £10,000 was always a dream and to reach it is phenomenal and it was only achievable with the help of such a dedicated band of collectors and, of course, the tremendous generosity of the local population and the shops and businesses in the town who take collecting tins and poppies."

Mr Light said more volunteers were needed to help with the poppy collections in 2005.

"Anyone who can give a couple of hours this year to become a poppy collector, either door to door or in the High Street, can contact me," said Mr Light, on (01672) 516928.

He also issued an invitation to all local organisations, especially youth groups, to take part in the VE Day 60th anniversary celebrations on May 8. The parade will assemble at 2.30pm outside of Caffe Uno and will march to St Mary's Church for a service to be followed by wreath laying at the war memorial in New Road.

On May 6 the legion holds its annual dinner at its club in St Martins, at 7.30 for 8pm.