Concerning Sue Pycroft's column in last week's Gazette. The Catholic church is the only religious organisation that has accepted the errors of her past after all, she is made up of people and we are all sinners and this should be the reason why we go to church to go in God's name and in humility proclaim His word. The funeral of the late Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, was not only a historic event but it was a spiritual uplifting for even in death he brought nations and faiths together.

With the appointing of his successor, Pope Benedict XVI, did age ever matter before God? Are we not all called to proclaim the Good News, not just the hierarchy of Rome?

The church has blossomed and grown since your columnist last darkened her doors. I feel sorry that she has missed out on so much. She is right when she says that the Roman Church has great pomp and ceremony after all the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the source and summit of our lives.

We are called to have great optimism in our faith so we entrust our new Pontiff into the hands of the Holy Spirit and pray the church will continue Christ's mission in the world.

P Kennedy
