IT IS about time that this country took back control of the streets from the yobs. There seems an ever growing number of undisciplined yobs who cause trouble for ordinary people. These yobs are not bored, but have come to realise that they can get away with it. That there is no consequence on them, for their actions.

If you think the problem doesn't affect you think again. How many police hours are wasted every shift? How much is that in pound notes? What happens when you need the police and they are all busy at an ASBO hearing?

The solution to me seems simple. Give the police back the power to actually use force. What would be so bad about a yob having to behave or else suffer a quick whack with a stick. Forget about ASBOs that cost a fortune to enforce, just let the police officer police with and on behalf of the community and sort out the yobs. Let's stop putting the yob first and start looking after the victims.

Come on Wiltshire Times, let's have a campaign worth running.

