It has been announced that the multi-million pound plans for the new Wiltshire Colleges in Chippenham and Trowbridge have been shelved for the next few years after funding from the Learning and Skills Council has been cancelled.

The formal statement was released on Friday when the LSC revealed that just 13 out of the 180 college projects which had been told they would get funding will actually be given the green light to carry on.

The LSC wrongly approved billions of pounds worth of college projects without funds being in place but received a £300m rescue package from the government to go ahead with 13 projects.

The 13 colleges were chosen after they were scored on several factors.

LSC Chief Executive Geoff Russell said: “These are the projects that will bring the greatest benefit to learners and communities across the country.

"They will have a substantial impact on the education and skills environment in their locality by transforming the condition of college buildings.”

Unsuccessful colleges, like Chippenham and Trowbridge, will now have to apply for the next spending review which will be in 2011/2012.

A spokesman for Wiltshire College Chippenham said an official statement would be released from them later today.