Wiltshire and Swindon Fire Authority has met for the first time since the recent local elections saw significant changes to its membership.

Six new members have joined the Authority from Wiltshire Council, joining three Wiltshire councillors and four from Swindon Borough Council who served on the previous administration.

At the meeting on 25 June, Brigadier Robert Hall was elected as the new chairman, with Cllr David Wren as his vice-chair.

Workstream lead members are Howard Marshall (communities), Peter Davis (people), Chris Devine (resources) and Jeff Osborn (performance).

In his first announcements, Brigadier Hall paid tribute to those previous Authority members who are no longer councillors, especially the former chairman, Jerry Willmott, who – together with Pat Rugg – had served on the Authority since its inception in 1997.

All Authority agenda and minutes can be found at www.wiltsfire.gov.uk