Police have seized a car after it was allegedly clocked travelling at 100mph on the M4 in Wiltshire.

Offices from the Roads Policing Unit reportedly recorded a Peugeot driver exceeding the speed limit on the motorway by 30mph on Monday, June 10.

The car was stopped by police and further checks were carried out on the vehicle.

Police say these checks confirmed that the car’s MOT had expired in March and the driver was not insured.

The Peugeot was subsequently seized.

A car Wiltshire Police stopped for speedingA car Wiltshire Police stopped for speeding (Image: Wiltshire Police)

Wiltshire Police shared an update on the incident through the Twitter page for Wiltshire Specialist Operations, which keeps the public updated on the activities of both the Roads Policing Units, Dog Units, and Armed Response Teams.

A spokesperson for the force said: “Roads Policing Units spotted the Peugeot at 100mph on the M4.

“Checks reveal the MOT expired in March and the driver has no insurance.

“They now have no car.”