The owner of a newly opened Wiltshire tea room says the business is a “perfect fit” after being “mobbed” by customers.

Sheila Edwards officially opened Lally’s Tea Rooms on Malmesbury High Street, at the former Cake Tin unit, on Thursday, May 30.

The venue was “mobbed” by customers during its first days of trading, said Mrs Edwards, and has since enjoyed steady success.

Mrs Edwards told this paper she was grateful for the “amazing” support from the community for her traditional tea rooms.

She said: “It’s been amazing and we’ve been really busy from the get-go, we were absolutely mobbed on our first three days.

“We got lots of positive comments and everyone loved the china and the decor, so people seemed really pleased with how it looked and the food.

“It’s been so positive, so far so good, and I really appreciate how much everyone has got behind us, supported us on Facebook, and given us positive comments.”

READ MORE: New Wiltshire tea rooms venue set to open on High Street

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Inside Lally's Tea RoomsInside Lally's Tea Rooms (Image: Sheila Edwards)

Mrs Edwards believes this early success has been down to the excitement of having a traditional tea rooms venue in Malmesbury, a town she described as a “perfect fit” for the venture.

She added: “Malmesbury is an old English town so a vintage tea room just fits in perfectly, and everyone seems surprised nobody has done it before.

“It fits in so well and this building lends itself to being a tea room too because it’s so quirky and pretty with a lovely shopfront and a vintage look.

“I really feel like we’ve hit on something.”

As well as afternoon tea, the venue serves a range of food and drink, including coffee, a lunch menu, and takeaway options.

Lally’s Tea Rooms took over the former bakery earlier this year and Mrs Edwards has been renovating the property for the last two months.

This included an overhaul of inside of the building to give it a “quirky, vintage” feel and the installation of new signage on the shopfront by Tozer Signs.

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Inside Lally's Tea RoomsInside Lally's Tea Rooms (Image: Sheila Edwards)

Mrs Edwards said: “I’m really happy because it looks so lovely and there are lots of nice little touches.

“It’s got this kind of homely look and kitchen looks like something you’d have at home rather than an industrial kitchen.

“A lot of effort went into the refurbishment and we were still tidying and getting everything prepared right up until the eleventh hour before we opened.”

Lally’s Tea Rooms is welcoming walk-ins although those specifically visiting for afternoon tea will have to book in advance.