Dunstable Town were honoured with an afternoon in the spotlight at Non-League Paper’s National Game Awards in association with Isuzu, as they won the Moving Forward Sports Community Club of the Year award.

The Blues became a Community Benefit Society three years ago and have since embarked on a dazzling array of projects focussed on enriching the lives of those in their local community.

As part of its Improving the Lives of Others scheme, the Spartan South Midlands Premier Division outfit run a popular walking football programme and volunteer Ian Bateman, 62, is first-hand evidence of the way it can transform people’s lives.

Bateman is now in charge of the scheme but first went along as a player in an attempt to improve his mental health following a difficult period in his life, and now cannot recommend it enough to others.

“It’s incredible,” he said. “Being brutally honest, I went through some pretty rough times and if it hadn’t been for Dunstable Town Football Club and walking football I’m not convinced I’d be here now.

“I had a pretty crummy time before that, I lost my wife and my son, which affected me really badly mentally so I decided to start playing walking football.

“I have a daughter who was getting married so I had to think of her as well, I had to get my mind sorted out and walking football really helped me do that and I will be forever grateful for it.”

The walking football project is one of a number run by Dunstable Town, who also offer support groups for isolated and vulnerable people.

The club offer three walking football sessions, including one for those with dementia and another for people recommended to the club by the local GP surgery.

All but two of the projects are free of charge and Bateman underlined why it was so important for football clubs to take a leading role in their communities.

“It’s about making sure people feel happy in life and they enjoy themselves,” he continued. “They’ve helped me and we do our utmost to help others. 

“This is for the common person, your Joe Public, we do everything we can to encapsulate people and make sure they enjoy themselves.

“I’m absolutely speechless [to win the award]. Two years ago when they asked me to take over walking football, I didn’t think this was ever going to happen. It gets the club out there, shows what we’re doing for the local community.

“If a few people come along to walking football and then come to Dunstable Town matches on a Saturday, then we’ve gained there as well.”

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