A teenager who may be in the Chippenham area has been missing for two weeks.

Police are continuing to appeal for information regarding the whereabouts of 15-year-old Michael missing, who was last seen on Wednesday, May 8.

Wiltshire officers remain extremely concerned for his welfare.

Michael is described as white, 5ft 5” and of slim build.

He has mousy brown hair and is believed to be wearing a beige Armani tracksuit, with white and red Reebok trainers, and carrying a green bag and skateboard.

A Wiltshire Police spokesperson said: "He is from Luton but is believed to be in the Chippenham area.

"He is known to use the rail network so we appeal to anybody that may have seen him in Chippenham or using the rail network, particularly between May 13 and today, to get in touch.

"We would also like to appeal to Michael directly if you see this to please get in touch with us as we are concerned for your welfare.

"If anyone has any information that could help us to locate Michael please call us on 101 quoting log number 54240055000."