Two men are being searched for by police in connection with thefts from a High Street store.

Police are investigating a reported theft at the Boots branch on Marlborough High Street, which allegedly took place on Saturday, May 11.

Officers have been investigating this incident and have now identified two men they would like to speak to in connection with the theft.

Anybody who recognises them has been urged to come forward.

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The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Two men police are searching for after a theft from Boots

A spokesperson for the force said: “We are appealing for information about the two people pictured.

“We would like to speak to them in connection with the theft of items from the Marlborough branch of Boots the Chemist on Saturday, May 11.

“Officers would like to hear from anyone who knows who these men are.

“Please call us on 101 quoting log 54240042009.”