Plans for the design and layout of a further 120 homes on the southern edge of Chippenham have been submitted to Wiltshire Council and reveal an increase in scale.

The site is the former Showell Nurseries, located below the already approved 1,000 home Rowden Park development.

This isn’t the only proposed scheme in proximity to Rowden Park, as Redcliffe Homes Ltd recently lodged an application with Wiltshire Council to build 41 new homes on the land east of Patterdown Road.

A notable change since the outline plans for Showell Nurseries were passed through is an increase in scale of the homes.

READ MORE: Villagers launch bid to buy Chippenham pub for community

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Wiltshire Council will consider the new layout plans.

According to the Bristol-based developer, Taylor Wimpey, this increase is to accommodate the introduction of its new house type range, “designed to be net zero carbon ready and compliant with ‘The Future Homes Standards’.

These enhancements include solar panels, air source heat pumps, underfloor heating and triple glazing.

Energy-efficient solutions of this type require wider external wall cavities and an increase in scale from two-storey to 2.5-storey homes.

Wiltshire Council's urban designer noted: “The impact of this is that the rear gardens of a number of the smaller dwellings are below the reasonable minimum area, a nationally recognised standard in development of being at least equal to the footprint of the dwelling for accommodating adequate space for the range of functions: sitting out table and chairs, rotary washing line, garden shed, cycle storage, children’s play space.”

Taylor Wimpey’s updated application states that there are a total of 152 integral ecological enhancements proposed on the development, which is “well above” what was recommended by the ecology officer.
Following an arboricultural officer’s comment on the original scheme, the pumping station has been relocated to the southern area of the site, adjacent to the attenuation pond, to ensure a mature beech tree can be retained.

A play space remains proposed in the northeast corner of the development.

Of the 120 total homes, 48 will be affordable housing.

In the pool of open market homes, the majority will be three-bedroom dwellings.

SEE ALSO: The latest Wiltshire Council planning applications

Although Chippenham Town Council has supported the plans, it has stated that this is with the condition that the pedestrian and cycle link to Rowden Park in the south east corner of the site be maintained.

Additionally, it wants to ensure that the design of apartment blocks does not have “tall, blank side elevations” facing the street, which would be “unacceptable and create dead frontage”.

Wiltshire Council must make a decision on this reserved matters application by Thursday, August 8.