Residents in Corsham have been given an urgent warning after rogue traders have been spotted scamming residents on their doorsteps.

The two men, who have been cold calling in the Corsham and Neston area, have approached multiple households in the Corsham area and offered to clean their driveways or carry out other maintenance jobs.

But Wiltshire Police have warned that the men are not legitimate traders and have charged many households over £1,100 for unnecessary and often shoddy work.

Multiple Corsham residents, many of whom are elderly or vulnerable, have fallen victim to the cold callers.

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"May we ask that if you have or know any vulnerable or elderly family members/neighbours or friends please speak with them about paying for doorstep services," urged a spokesperson for Wiltshire Police.

The force has now issued key advice on how to avoid becoming a victim of rogue traders.

"Never agree to have work done by somebody who is just passing or take their word that it needs to be done at all," said a spokesperson for Wiltshire Police.

"Do not let them into your home and do not accept any offer from them to drive you to a cash point to withdraw money or hand over your bank details.

"You should always check the identification of all persons and check with their employers. A genuine caller will be happy to wait."