The court case of a woman facing animal cruelty charges towards two dogs was delayed because she turned up "too inebriated".

Angela Jackson, 48, from Red Hills, Broad Town, did make it to Swindon Magistrates' Court on May 8 for her scheduled hearing but did not set foot inside the courtroom because she was unable to stand. 

She was accused of causing unnecessary suffering to another dog, an American Bulldog Cross named Dillon, by strangling the animal causing it to struggle to free itself during an incident on January 4, of this year. 

She pleaded guilty to this charge at a later hearing on May 13, where she was then disqualified from keeping a dog for two years and fined £100.00.

At the initial hearing on May 8, Miss Hillier, representing Jackson, told magistrates: “Unfortunately she has turned up inebriated, she seems to have been encouraged by her partner who is also inebriated.

"She cannot take instruction so I would like to request we adjourn the matter until May 15, where hopefully she will turn up sober.

Miss Hillier was asked by magistrates exactly how drunk Miss Jackson was, to which she replied: "Her sister is with her and she has described her as not being able to stand up.

"I've only seen her sit down, but I've been told that if she stands she would struggle to walk and would sway."

The possibility of her sobering up and returning to court later that day was discussed, but it was decided that would not be likely. 

"I don't think it's likely she will sober up within the next few hours," Miss Hillier said.

"The way she was talking was that she would get more inebriated if she was left to her own devices."

Making their decision, magistrates said: "We will adjourn the matter to May 13 in lieu of the condition that Miss Jackson is currently in.

"But we are somewhat displeased that she has presented herself in this manner and hope she doesn’t do the same on May 13. 

"If she does a warrant will be issued to allow her to sober up in police cells."

At the hearing on May 13, Jackson was able to enter a plea and pleaded guilty, which magistrates took into account when delivering the sentence. 

A second charge under the Animal Welfare Act was withdrawn at this hearing.