HUNDREDS turned out on Good Friday morning for the annual ‘March of Witness’ through Trowbridge to mark the most momentous event in history when Jesus died and rose again.

The march finished in glorious sunshine, which was a bit of a metaphor for the whole event, said one of the organisers from Church Action Trowbridge Area.

CATA’s chair David Ross said: “It was great to see so many people join together on a day when Christians round the world stop, pause and reflect on the fact that Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead on Easter Sunday.

"We’re here together to say thank you to God and to acknowledge his goodness to us all.”

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Crowds in Fore Street gather to watch the Trowbridge March of Witness. Image: Trevor Porter 75918-2Crowds in Fore Street gather to watch the Trowbridge March of Witness. Image: Trevor Porter 75918-2 (Image: Trevor Porter)

Starting from St. James’ Church in Church Street, the crowd stopped at five different points through the town centre to pray, sing and re-tell the story of Easter.

The Trowbridge Salvation Army band provided music for the singing and marchers handed out Easter eggs and cards to passers-by to bless and encourage residents and visitors.

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Douglas Grubb carried the Cross on the second leg of the Trowbridge March of Witness. Image: Trevor Porter 75918-3Douglas Grubb carried the Cross on the second leg of the Trowbridge March of Witness. Image: Trevor Porter 75918-3 (Image: Trevor Porter)

The march finished at the Trowbridge war memorial in the town park where refreshments were provided by the Girl Guiding Association and hot cross buns provided by Asda were munched.